Monday, December 15, 2008

Who is excited about Shakespeare?

We are going to start reading Macbeth tomorrow--I am so excited and I hope you are too; well, at least I hope that if you aren't excited that you'll at least be open minded about it. :) For those of you who are following this blog, here is your extra credit assignment: Memorize a soliloquy from Macbeth and present it to the class. I will be pointing them out as we read Macbeth and it is a great skill to be able to memorize the lines, really learn them and know them, and present them-- for plays should be acted out! You might want to think about how you can play with the language, experiment with how you think the lines should be delivered based on the character, and you might want to re-create the persona (maybe modernized, maybe in another country, maybe set in New York, etc.) without changing the words. Good luck and have fun!

1 comment:

rconroy said...

i reallly didn't want to read shakespeare at first but once we started reading it it wasn't so bad and it went by really quick

p.s i wont be able to sent you my other assignment because i have to work late tonight so i hope i can still give you them tommorow