Monday, November 24, 2008

24 November 2008

Homework: Read through page 75 in Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress. Write 3 questions for each chapter.

Part II observations:
On a side note, I love the imagery that surrounds Four Eyes and his "perpetual fear" (45). On the next page, it states: "In his presence everything became tinged with danger. At his house we felt like three criminals huddling conspiratorially around the oil lamp" (46). Even though Four Eyes lives in fear, his actions create the narrator to feel a brotherhood, a connection, with the secrecy of Four Eyes's actions. The narrator describes life being "tinged with danger" which shows creates a feeling of excitement and a life of intrigue--"criminals huddling conspiratorially" versus prisoners of the "three in a thousand" sentence that they really have.

Journal question we will write in class tomorrow (in case you want to think about it beforehand):
What does Ursule Mirouet mean to the characters? Why do you think Four Eyes gave Luo and the narrator this book versus any of the other Western books in his possession? How does this book significant to the meaning of the novel?

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