Friday, November 14, 2008

China Today

Here is the link to the article about factories in China closing that I referenced in class today. It is very sad how much everyone is suffering economically all over the world. The article states, "The slowdown in exports contributed to the closing of at least 67,000 factories across China in the first half of the year, according to government statistics" ( Some of the workers protested, trying to get their wages that they weren't paid, "demanding two months of back pay, or $440 on average. The government called in the riot police. Seven workers were thrown in jail and six were beaten" ( I also thought this quote was interesting: "The social problems arising from the slowdown have stirred anxiety in the top leadership of the Communist Party, whose legitimacy is based on maintaining economic growth" (

Works Cited
Wong, Edward. "Factories Shut, China Workers are Suffering." The New York Times. 13 November 2008. 14 November 2008 .

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